Capstone Post #2 – Choosing a Main Inquiry Question and Choosing Sub Questions

At first I was going to have the question of, “How does snowboarding compare to skiing,” but then I realized I wouldn’t learn anything through this question which is what capstone is about, learning about your topic, so I chose “How has snowboarding evolved overtime.” I already had accurate sub questions for my old main inquiry question so I was disappointed that I had to come up with totally new sub questions for my new question. Since I changed my main inquiry question, I knew it would be a challenge to come up with new sub questions. I wasn’t planning on choosing this question so I didn’t have any sub questions, so when I tried to think of some sub questions, I had to rush through them because I didn’t have much time. I think some of my sub questions are good enough, but I think I can come up with better ones later on. I haven’t really thought about if my new main inquiry question will be easy to work with until now. I can see why it could be hard because of my sub questions but I definitely hope it won’t be because I’m already behind. Mrs. Cooper also let me have spare time to think of new sub questions because I changed my topic which I am grateful for.

One thought on “Capstone Post #2 – Choosing a Main Inquiry Question and Choosing Sub Questions

  1. Matthew, I think the changes you made to your question will pay off! I am excited to see your final product!

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