My initial thoughts…

I think having my own web-page is really really awesome! I will be able to do posts on my work in school and add all kinds of cool things to my web-page! I can now see what people think of my blog and get feedback for it. At the same time I am a little confused with all the things I can do now. There are so many features to use that I don’t know about but I am excited to learn about them in the future from my computer teacher!

I am also a little bit scared to use this web-page. there are so many buttons that I could accidentally click and I only know a little bit about this web-page. What if people don’t like my web-page and what if people give offensive feedback about my work?

But overall I am happy with how this is going to turn out. I will be able to do assignments for my web-page for homework and write about my thoughts and school work. I really do hope the world will like my work and I hope will get great feedback.

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