Rube Goldberg Post #2

My class’s assignment is to build a Rube Goldberg machine. This is a complicated contraption that does a simple task at the end with only one movement of a hand. When I started drawing my sketch, I was able to come up with a few ideas. I tried to test out some of my ideas, but a couple of my ideas didn’t work. sometimes when you think a part of the contraption works, it fails. Luckily I was able to come up with solutions to my problems which included using things to direct a marble in a certain way and just simply coming up with easier ways to do things. At first, I thought that my simple task would be pouring a pitcher of water into a cup, but then I realized that if I spilled the water, I would have to clean up the mess on the floor, and that was too risky to try multiple times. Now, I think my simple task will be throwing a piece of trash in the garbage.

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