Rube Goldberg Post #3

My Rube Goldberg contraption will need, dominos, jenga blocks (the only reason I am using jenga blocks is so then I don’t run out of dominos to use), toy cars, a marble set with marbles, duct tape (the tape is to hold something in place), duct tape rolls, boxes (to hold something on top of it), Small and medium sized tubes, a small plastic spoon, a piece of paper (not for my sketch), and a bouncy ball. My plan for the duct tape rolls are to have a domino knock into a it, which will cause the duct tape roll do trigger something else. A few people (my family members) asked me why I was using a spoon and a piece of paper that wasn’t for my sketch. The reason why I am using a spoon and a piece of paper is because I had an idea to instead of having a bouncy ball knock into a piece of paper, causing the piece of paper to fall in the trash, I would have the piece of paper crumpled into a ball on the bowl of the spoon (the eating part of the spoon) and then the bouncy ball would roll off the table and hit the handle of the spoon, causing the piece of paper to catapult into a trash can. It is possible that I may change this step, due to the complexity of the step.


One thought on “Rube Goldberg Post #3

  1. Matthew, your posts are detailed and thoughtful. I enjoyed reading about some of your challenges as well as why you ultimately decided to work alone. Consider including a photograph of your materials and sketch in these posts or in future posts. Keep up the good work!

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