Maglev Post #2

We did a lot of things that worked including we only used strip magnets because the discs didn’t work as well.  We put 1 magnet on each side like a normal train track, but no magnets in the middle. We had to keep on putting more magnets on top of each other. On the train we only put 1 magnet on each side and not 2 or 3 on each side because it would be to heavy.


We didn’t fail a lot, yesterday we didn’t have anything good so we restarted. Then first try we thought of something good. We learned that we needed more magnets to make it be more stable.The changes that we made was that we should put more magnets on the track since we had all together on the track, 2 magnets. So we upgraded to have 3 stip magnets on each side of the track.


Our goal is to move into the improve phase by putting more passengers in the cup and if it falls then we will upgrade the track again, until we have about 20 – 30 rocks that stay on. 


This my group and I doing the 1 strip magnets on each side altogether 2 strip magnets.


We were very hard working. We were very proud after this worked.


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