Overall, I loved tech. I loved all the projects and Mr. Calvert was really nice. It was fun but some of the projects like the crank were hard and I didn’t like them as much. If I were to do tech again and I got to chose the projects, I would chose the last project which included the breadboard and I liked the project where you would rub the balloon against your hair and the tinfoil in the cup would move. Tech was really good and I enjoyed it while it lasted.
Category Archives: 6th Grade
Tech Blog Post #8
This is our second to last week. This week we did a circuit project and the objective was to light up the LED light. It was actually easier than I expected. I did it the day he showed us. Mine actually looked normal. If you didn’t use a resistor the LED would burn out, but we did use a resistor so it wouldn’t blow out. It’s really sad because tech is coming to an end. This project may have been the shortest one but I think it was the coolest. I think you could do something with it and you could make like something cool with the LED lights.
Blog Post #6
This week we starting doing our cams. It took me a really long time to build it because I was watching the videos step by step. Im pretty sure it took me about 2 hours. It was really tough and I kept messing up. In the end you were supposed to glue it together so there werent two empty sides and I accidentally glued the wrong side. Oops! I just made way too many mistakes and at first I thought it didn’t work when I made it and I’d have to redo it but turns out it does work! And I’m really glad about that because I would’ve been really mad if I had to redo it.
Tech Blog Post #5
This week, we learned about the 5 simple machines. For our project, we made a catapult. Basically, we made a goal and took a video of us launching it and then answered some questions. For example, it asked “What’s your effort arm?” and “What’s your load arm?”. My load was 5 and my effort was 6, which made my mechanical advantage 1.2!
Blog Post #4
ROBLOX, roblox is a game that includes a lot of technology and coding. ROBLOX is a game for all children and there are games inside of roblox. There’s like “Welcome to Bloxburg”, “Adopt Me”, and “Royale High”. These games all involve coding like in Royale High, when you make diamonds, you need to code that it can show the diamonds on the side or something. Or when you buy an egg and hatch it, Or when you place a wall in Bloxburg.
Tech Blog #3
This weeks project is making a truss bridge or something that can hold up weight. It’s all about the triangles. Tomorrow we will start the actual project and build it. The materials we are using are carrots/gummy bears/fruit snacks and toothpicks. We use the toothpicks to stab the food and make a sculpture and take a video and post it to Flipgrid. I can’t wait to try it and I think that ill be able to hold at least 4 books on my truss. Tech has been really fun so far and I think its better than Computer Tech already. He already told us that we are starting a new project on a camera/crank thing. We have to use the safety cutter and this year we are just practicing using it.
Tech Blog Post #1
Some things I can’t wait to do for tech are all the projects. I like doing lots of projects and arts and crafts so I think those will be fun. I also wish that we could still make a speaker but this year we can’t sadly. But we are going to be doing some other fun projects like next week we are going to do something with carrots and gummy bears, so I think that will be pretty fun! I also like that we can actually go to the tech classroom because thats so much better so he can write on the board and have the desks that we need.
Swift Playgrounds 3
I tried to kind of do like a shopping theme there. I said what was your favorite clothing store, and what’s your favorite piece of clothing to buy there? After you answered the question it would say something like oh I love “name of the store” too! Or, Cool, I heard their “name of piece of clothing” are really good! It would respond using the answer they put in usually.
One thing challenging was trying to do the command, show(“I love * + piece of clothing too”). I tried it and it said there was an error so I just gave up and did something else instead of saying that.
I only found it a tad bit difficult because like figuring out which purple or red command to put was a bit tricky and getting the commands right so they worked was a bit tricky too.
I thought it was really fun too. Answering the questions and it was really cool how it could just ask you a question and you can answer with some simple coding!
Tynker Music Video
I chose Rebeccas music video because I thought it was interesting with all the actors and the actors keep changing costumes and I loved the music.
i love all the actors in Rebeccas music video. It was better because there were so many. It’s fun that do many are moving too and walk forwards and the witch is spinning.
the music is also very nice. Its kind of like drums and reminds me of Halloween with the witch and the music too. The animations are so cool too. I think she did the really quick costume change animation where it makes the character move. Over all her project is really good.
All About Me Blog Post
For my All About Me Tynker project. I decided to only do two of my interests because those were the ones I am most interested in. I chose softball and reading. I didn’t do any sounds but I did do a speech bubble and lots of animating. I made my characters walk forward. I probably used about 4 move blocks even though it looks like I used about 10! The actors I used were in the city category. I tried to use people that looked a little like me, especially with the hair color! MY actors were also things that I liked. The softball was an actor and I tried to make it look like I threw it across the baseball field, which was the background. After “I” left the stage to go after the softball, another actor as “me” again with books. Overall I think this was a fun project.