Biograpy Blog Post -Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton




Alexander Hamilton’s childhood was a roller coaster of tragedies. Alexander Hamilton was born on January 11,1757 in St. Kitts in the West Indies. When  he was  little he was a bright, curious, ambitious boy. He and his brother were tutored on a harder basis than most other children. Alexander Hamilton also loved the exactness of orderly numbers. He also loved math, the way the numbers go up and and change when you subtract and add. He learned other things too. But  Hamilton and his brother were not popular but still were very smart. A few years later James Hamilton(Alexander Hamilton’s dad) deserted the family, left them forever, Sometimes Alexander Hamilton would write to his dad to talk to him but Alexander never saw his dad again. Soon after his mom opened a shop, Hamilton helped out around the shop. Soon after an disease broke out in that part of the West Indies and Alexander Hamilton and Rachel( Alexander Hamilton’s Mom) both were sick in bed. While Alexander Hamilton got better but Rachel passed away. After the funeral the big question was what would happen to Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton is what would happen to Alexander Hamilton his mother and dad didn’t leave any supplies for him. They were legally under their guarding Peter Lytton’s who was also there cousin. Soon after, Peter Lytton’s committed suicide. Hamilton also lived alone.




When Hamilton was older he decided he would fight for the patriots. Alexander Hamilton never gave up. Later George Washington became the first president in February 1789. George Washington appointed only three other members to the cabinet. The first was Robert Morris but he declined and said he knew the perfect person someone called “Alexander Hamilton”, Washington was very surprised. Washington knew that Alexander Hamilton was a man of great talents but he never thought that he knew anything of finance but Morris assured Washington that Hamilton was good. A few months later Alexander Hamilton saw that they need to have a U.S. Treasury so they can have their own currency. So he created the penny and the half penny plus dimes. In the election 1800 Thomas Jefferson was running for president along with Aaron Burr, John Adams, and Thomas Pinckney. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr were Republicans and John Adams and Thomas Pinckney were the Federalists. John Adams lost easily to Thomas Jefferson by eight electoral votes. But Aaron Burr tied with Thomas Jefferson by seventy three votes so it was up to the House of Representatives to decide who was president, Hamilton voted for Thomas Jefferson because he saw that Burr would be a danger to their country. Later on ALexander Hamilton got shot by Aaron Burr and his final words were “If you break this union you will break my heart”




Alexander Hamilton lived alone most of his life and his mom and dad deserted him or died. Now he has to study on his own and also he was very hated in his community. His parents were not legally married so all the children hated Hamilton growing up. He fought in the war and he never gave up.




The reason we have our own currency right now is because of Alexander Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton he saw that his country needed to make its own goods and not get their goods from other countries like England. He also started the U.S. mint/treasury in pennsylvania he invented the coins like the penny and the half penny plus the dime and nickel. He is also famous because he also started the Bank of the United states of America.

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