4th Grade Reflection

In 4th grade we did a lot of thing i’m going to explain them. We did a lot of different projects like the first one a curiosity project. It is basically something you really want to learn about I wanted to do Marvel Movies but I could not find any information because we were only alowed to use our school databases so I had to do a different topic. I chose movies but I still could not find any information on the school databases. So I changed my topic once more ad I chose electricity. I was very happy to finally have a topic that was avalible on the school databases. The other project I remember was Toy Theater. We reasearched about our topic and than we shared our information with the other four people in our group and we all had a lot of information. Our group than started to work on the script and we had  our parents write it but we said what we should write and she/him wrote it down on the piece of paper. We than wrote it on the computer after that we printed it and we started to practice it and than we drew our puppets and the backrounds. The three read alouds that we read were Blood On The River, Tige Rising, and Book Scavenger. We also had learning from our differences wich was basically people with disabilities and other diseases. Learning to look was also a thing we did wich is where parents go and show our class different art pictures and to us about them.

My most favirote subject was math beacuase it was so fun learning different equations and it was also fun doing things in my math workbooks. My most favorite project was definitely the curiosity project beacuase we researched about a project we were curious about and researched about it. Than we could make a presentation about it. Than we did a reflection of it. My most favorite read aloud was Book Scavenger becaus it has a ton of puzzles and codes that I know about and it was fun to solve the codes and breaking them. It was also cool that it had a hole game in it.

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