Desert Food Web


This is a desert food web. The producers of this food web are the Cacti and the Joshua Tree. Next comes the primary consumers. Primary consumers are often herbivores, the primary consumers in my food web are Squirrels, Rabbits, and insects. On the top of my food web are the secondary consumers. They’re mostly carnivores, the ones in my food web are Foxes, Owls, Snakes, Woodpeckers, and Lizards. The decomposers in a food web break apart dead animals, without them, there would be dead animal carcasses on the streets . . . that wouldn’t be fun! The decomposer in my food web is bacteria.


The Important Thing About Charles Darwin

The Important Thing About Charles Darwin 

The important thing about Charles Darwin is that he developed the theory of evolution. He wrote a book about natural selection called the Origin Of Species. It talked about how the behavior and physical appearance of animals change over time. Charles Darwin went on a voyage around the world for five years on the HMS Beagle. He studied the finches on the Galapagos islands. But the Important thing about Charles Darwin is that he developed the theory of evolution.

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