The Second Launch is Under our Belts!

Today, I mean the very day that I started writing this post… Launch #2 happened! And I am here reporting on launch to #2 to tell its entire story, from to finish…

What was the path between Launch #1 and Launch #2?

The moment launch #1 was complete we got right to work! We analyzed data, for example our rocket went about 15m in the air. Then, we took a few days off. But lounging around forever was not going to get those rockets back in the air! Only we could! Therefore, when the time to start again had come, my group sprang right into action. We decided that our first rocket was hopelessly incompetent. There was nothing we could do to save it. So it was time to build a whole new rocket.

We thought about the aerodynamics of our rocket. We came to the realization that our old rocket was faulted because the nose cone was flimsy and made out of tinfoil and there were two sets of fins; meaning more weight. My group was not about to let that happen again. Never, never, never.

Our new rocket was completely different. It had a round, sturdy, 3D printed nose cone and doubled up (two fins in one case) arc shaped fins. However, all these parts took all long time to make. The fins were a three-day process, and the nose took two days to design and print. We just hot glued our rocket together today!

So that was it, our rocket was ready; hot glued together; there was no changes we could make; it was up to our design now…

Well, What Happened at the Launch?

Launch #2 might have been the most surprising part of rocketry so far!

Of course before anything could happen we needed to get organized. There was 4 different jobs: Clinometer ReaderData RecorderMaterials Manager and Launch Master. We each took a turn at a job. Each of us was also assigned to a group to help. I was a data recorder, helping the Roc-Kids.

Then, we took out the tools we needed. We were using trundle wheels and clinometers. We measured out 50m with the trundle wheel and then set up clinometers to measure the angle that the rocket went up at. Now, this is where the math comes in. How does the angle that the rocket goes up at show us the height? The answer lies in the depths of trigonometry (the study of triangles). Unfortunately, I do not know anything about trigonometry. All that I know that answer works! Now that everybody had jobs, the tools were set up, it was LAUNCH TIME! 


The Astro Newton’s Rocket on the launch pad.                                                                                                                                                Ms. Boyer fixing the pump.


A drone recording a bird’s-eye view.

The results were stunning. The first rocket soared so high. I thought How will we even come close to beating that? But when we launched, our rocket might have even gone a wee bit higher! The other group’s results were just as amazing! When the last rocket hit the ground, we packed up, heading inside gleefully, elated from the results of the launch.

It’s Data Time!

Yay! Our rocketry launch is complete! But our work is only half done… We have to find out how high our rockets went! Now, how to do this? Remember the clinometers? They were recording the angle our rocket went up at. We got four readings for each rocket split into section 1 and section 2 (two readings each). Then we found the averages of the angles in both of the sections. But know, how to find how high our rocket went?

Well, to start, we plotted each angle onto a graph. The graph had protractors to help measure angles to the exact degree. Then, we drew two lines (one for section 1 and one for section 2) at the angle that our rocket went up. Where these two lines would meet would be how high our rocket went. When I found the point where the two lines met, I drew another line to the side of the graph from that point. According to the graph (it had meter markings on it), our rocket went 30m/100ft into the air! :-)! That was 2nd or 3rd out of the 5 groups in the class. What a great way to end launch #2!

Trundle Wheel: A wheel that is used to to measure distances; every time it spins around it has traveled a fixed distance (In our case one meter.)

Clinometer: A device used to measure angles.

Aerodynamic: An aspect that means that the object in possession of it flies through the air well.

Clinometer Reader: A person who reads the angle on the clinometer.

Data Recorder: A person who records the degrees that the clinometer reader tells them.

Materials Manager: A person in charge of the materials operation.

Launch Master: A person who guides the whole rocketry operation.

Elated: Super happy.

Flash Opinion: What does Nate think about the second launch? I think we exceeded all our expectations but there is still room for improvement.

Facts about the High Flier’s second rocket:

How high did it go? 30m

Out of all the rockets in the class what place did it come in in terms of how high it went? 2nd

What were its faults? To many air pockets.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Decorations are fine, but they can cause air pockets that slow your flight.
  2. A rush job can also be a neat job.
  3. Don’t underestimate yourself, there is more to you than you know.

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