Expert Lecture #8 was Great!

Expert Lecture #8 was one of the most interesting ones. Micheal Meltz (Riley’s Dad) came in to tell us about his job, working at a company called Experian. He keeps track of data to help people manage their credit. What is credit? Credit is how much money you owe, how much you have taken out from banks, etc. Experian is the master of data! They know your address, what stuff you like to buy. They can even track your phone!

Experian is just an all-knowing company. It uses its knowledge to help other companies. Let’s say Verizon couldn’t decide which add to put online. They’d call up Experian to help them. How does Experian help them? Well, first Experian would look at its records to see which people like what adds. Then it would take surveys to get the newest information. Then it would come back to Verizon and say “Add 2 would be better because 67.43% of Americans like your “bold blue” coloring system.” Experian doesn’t just do adds. It can do anything from the coloring on a trampoline to the home page of Twitter. Awesome!

Unfortuanently, before we could learn anything else, he had to go. The cool thing was that we got awesome Experian pens that could write in four colors. What a great Expert Lecture!

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