Capstone: Answering My Main Inquiry Question

I had my interview, my site visit and coming up with my questions complete. What was left? Well, I had to actually answer my main inquiry question. To start, I began to answer my various sub questions.

Answering the sub questions was a matter of finding the right source. Some websites gave me less than two paragraphs of information, while one website provided me with pages of information. We also had to find a book source to help us with our project, which proved to be a real roadblock.

I searched the school library for books with search terms like “solar flare effects” and “geomagnetic storms”, and when that brought nothing up, I searched all the school libraries in the entire district. Still nothing. So I went to the Scarsdale Public Library’s catalog and used the same search terms, with no luck. So I searched all the libraries in the entire county through the Scarsdale Public Library’s catalog and had a hit. I was so excited, but then it turned out by “hit” was a mere fiction book. Little did I know next time I had library my luck was going to change…

When  I got back to the library I looked up a simpler search term “The Sun” and I found a book that helped me tremendously with my research. It turned out by keeping it simple I got the book I wanted. I learned that keeping it simple sometimes help you.

After a bit more research, I wondered if I was done with my research. I decided that of I could answer my main inquiry question in a three-or-so paragraph response I would be done with my research.  I looked over my research, and I began to answer my main inquiry question. CLICK, CLACK, CLICK went my fingers on the keyboard. And then I finished my response to my main inquiry question. Three paragraphs exactly. My heart leaped to the moon! I had finished my research.

After weeks of working and gathering information, it was time for the next step, making a script and a slideshow for the TED Talk I’m doing. I can’t wait to see how this Capstone journey turns out!

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