January 8

maglev trains

Maglev trains

A maglev train is a train that is a train that levitates above the train tracks, scientific word for levitate is levitation. The train actually literally is in mid air. It does this by having magnets they can float, magnets have two forces these are repelling and attracting. That’s what a maglev train is. My groups idea was to two long strip magnets on a box on each side, and than put a disc magnet in the middle. And then we taped them to the boxes floor, that they’ll stick and not move. They were all on the north side. Now i’ll tell you how my group designed the bottom of the train that we made, so first we put one strip magnet on each side and put it on the south side because south and north repel. Then we put a disc magnet in the middle, and that’s our design. Oh no what did we do wrong?  Here’s what we did wrong we put to much tape, ok now remember don’t put to much tape then your train won’t work. Building a maglev train is a good learning process, here’s something i’ve learned how to make things float better said levitate. I also learned a lot about what a magnet can do.