Rgoldberg Blog Post 7

Yesterday, we had trouble.

We needed to do a video.That was easy. But when we re-watched the video , we couldn’t point out 6 steps. Knowing this, we decided to make every step a lot longer so it would look more impressive.

However, one of the most unnoticeable steps, the car one, wouldn’t work on a larger scale. And you wanna know why? Well, the car is really, really rubbish. So we spent hours (and I’m not exaggerating) and hours trying to fix it.🤦🤦🤦🤦

It really started to get on my nerves having little time left but plenty of toys, and not being able to find a car that works!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬👉⛐

I am going to compare it’s abilities to this:Image result for car won't roll

I couldn’t take the stress, especially as we had no more play dates. I couldn’t focus on my homework, and metal music just reminded me of cars, which stressed me out. Luckily, my dad saved the day and supplied us with a car he made that works!!!!!!😌😌😌😌😌

Now, I need permission to record without her. If she (Maya) doesn’t come to school by Friday, I’ll have no choice. But I’ll email her if such circumstances erupt. Well, what could I do right now?

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