Final blog post 7th grade

I am really excited! English football (soccer) is returning the day after school ends. My favourite team, Tottenham Hotspur is playing a CRUCIAL game against Man U  next Friday. Tottenham’s two best players, Kane and Son are back from injury after the suspension of the season gave them time to recover and I hope they do well. I think we will win 3-2, with Kane grabbing a brace, Son scoring but Rashford putting in 2(Rashford is returning from injury for Man U.) Unfortunately, Dele Alli just got suspended for 1 game because of a breach of FA rules E3(1) and E3(2), and has also received a 63,000 dollars. Essentially he was punished for making an offensive joke to do with the corona that he sent to his friends, one of whom reported it to the FA. COYS! Come on you Spurs!

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