SpaceX launch

SpaceX launch of the Heavy Falcon was launched in Kennedy Space Center.  The rocket went straight up and made a big gas bubble thing coming from below once it started to rise. Then, it shot right up real fast and made a neat jet of colorful exhaust. A CNN reporter said they heard a sonic boom just after it started doing that. It was the first ever rocket to return to earth in one piece. It was also became the first rocket to fly to space twice after the 2nd launch.

I’m shocked. We haven’t seen rockets for a while now, so just that space rockets have been seen in use again is surprising. Also, the fact that something so powerful, with some classifying it as the worlds most powerful rocket, can come cheaper than previous models, just really proves how impressively space exploration has evolved. And returning, that was mind-blowing!

I wonder, if Elon Musk intended this rocket to eventually take human tourists to the moon, but said the particular rocket wouldn’t be able to do the task originally given, will the same go for the next rocket they are making, the Big Falcon Rocket? And, why not send them in the Falcon Heavy, or a 2nd Falcon Heavy, it was a very successful launch and your car didn’t get damaged, neither did the dummy?

Final rocketry reflection Noy

Rocketry taught me lot, one of those things being teamwork lessons. I learned a lot about how to be a better teammate. I learned to think hard about everyone’s ideas, not just the ones you think generally have good ideas and plans. I also learned to have tougher skin when someone insults you and isn’t being nice at all towards you, so you keep on a great mood and make the experience that much funner for the whole group. I also learned that being optimistic when you get unfair and really low scores will help raise the mood of everyone.

I saw that a lot of things consistently paid of and helped the rocket go high. One of those things is 4 fins, which worked because the rocket’s weight would be more centered and would help stabilise the rocket’s flight path. Another is extremely light weight, which reduces gravity’s effects on the rocket and therefore improve the rocket’s performance in air. And finally, Aerodynamics. I personally think this is the most important thing, and therefore this was the factor I most tried to apply to the rocket, and would change the rocket’s design anyway I could in attempt to add more aerodynamics ( with my group’s permission, of course) . And as we progressed, we had more experience, so we could add more of all three factors to our rocket, but on the last we pushed the boundary too hard.

I think I will use the skills I learned if I ever start a company that I really want to, because I emerged as a natural leader in the group. I also will use my craft skills I got to help me craft all sorts of things, as I am an arty person. I am so glad I went through what I did, because it gave m really useful teamwork skills in a way that meant I am sure not to forget, and it made me sooo much of a better teammate and a person overall.