Rube goldberg post #6

In this blog post, I am going to talk about how Mateo and I figured out which steps we wanted to use for the project.

The first thing that our teacher made us to do was to get a bunch of research so that we could get some ideas on what we wanted the objective for the project to be. So then we chose a soccer ball rolling into a goal as our project's main objective. What we decided was to gather a bunch of steps that we thought were good and then we made a sketch. Then, we started to test them out and see if they would work.  
To make our project more enjoyable and exciting, we added a labyrinth, a wooden maze, a goalie and even some soccer fans to make our Rube Goldberg's Machine look way cooler. 
First, we cut tubes as we said in the sketch. Then, we exchanged them with the wooden maze. Also, when the phone vibrated, it used to say "mama" because the computer was connected to my mom's cell phone. So, then we changed it to say Rube Goldberg calling, Rube Goldberg calling Mateo and Nick for it will sound cooler. 

A way that we added steps was that we got two steps and then we got what we liked and then combined them to get an extra step.

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