blog post #4

 For this blog post I will be talking about my site visit. For my site visit i went to the USS Intrepid museum. My dad paid extra money for we can have a tour of the museum. I would have done my site visit the 18 of May but they told my dad that if they went on memorial day weekend they would get to see more stuff. So that is why I went the 25 of May instead of the 18 of May. In my site visit the private tour guy named Nick made me think about WWII in a new way. Nick talked mainly about the battle of the philippines so he influenced me to mainly talk about the philippines in my ted talk. SO now I will be focusing on Pearl Harbor, the battle of Midway, the battle of the Philippines and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Blog post #3

 For this blog post I will be talking about my interview.

 For my interview I interviewed a guy at the USS Intrepid, his name is Nick. I found my interview by Interviewing by calling the educational department at the Intrepid. I asked him 13 questions and all of them were "green light questions" not red light questions. What a red light questions is questions that the answers are yes or no. what a green light question is an answer with examples. So I got the best answers that I could get. To tie this all up the interview was really helpful.

Capstone blog post #2

 For my second blog post I am going to be talking about how I chose a main inquiry question and sub questions.

 Our teacher told us that we need to have a main inquiry question. A main inquiry question is the question that I am going to be trying to answer in the seven weeks that I am doing in this Capstone unit. I noticed that World War 2 is a huge topic so, I narrowed it down to Japan vs America. Then I had to think about a main inquiry question. So then I thought of the main inquiry question to be What factors contributed to the conflict between the United States of America and Japan during World War 2.

 Now I will be talking about how I figured out to do 5 sub questions. Our teacher told us that we should have more then 5 for we can chose the best ones. But first I got a bit confused and my 8 sub  questions were literally 8 other main inquiry questions! Today in school our teacher talked to every student in the class. She explained to me what I did wrong and then we came up with 5 new sub questions. This was really helpful for me because when it will be time for me to present my research I would have 6 Main inquiry questions instead of 1 main inquiry question and 5 sub questions.

 So far, this Capstone project has been going really well for me. Now that we are done with the Main inquiry question and the sub questions now it is time for the real fun.

Capstone blog post #1

 This is my first blog post for capstone, I am super exited for capstone. In this blog I will be talking about the process of me choseing my topic. 

 First our teacher told us to pick a main topic and a backup one just in case you notice that you aren't getting enough information on your topic our teacher also gave us guidelines to tell us when things are due. For example this blog is be due may third.
I decided that World War 2 would be a good main topic because there is a lot of information on the topic. I noticed that World War 2 is a huge topic i decided that I am going to briefly talk about the European battle and explain more about the battle of Japan VS America.

 For my back up topic I will be talking about Dogs. I decide that Dogs would be a good back up topic because I have a dog, and I know a lot about a dog breed called a Maltese. A Maltese is a Dog who has white fur and a black nose and is small. Maltese are really playful when I play with my dog he can play for one hour straight! I will briefly talk about Dogs in general but then talk a lot about the dog breed Maltese.

 Does were the two topics I chose for capstone.