Category: 4th Grade

My Colonial America Book Reflection

I was really excited to make my Colonial America Book. It took me a lot of research but then I put it all together to make an informational book. I chose my topic, “Colonial Homes.” I thought it would be interesting to learn how the colonists houses were back in Colonial times.

Later I had to plan how I was going to make a book. I would do a first chapter all about colonial times. Then my second chapter was all about my main subject, “Colonial homes.” I had three subheadings for that chapter. They were, “Inside a Colonial Home,” “Fireplace”, and “Different Types of Homes.” My third chapter would be a diary entry and my last chapter would be about why Colonial homes are important. That last chapter was an essay. I did a bibliography and a Glossary too.

Later I had to do some research about colonial homes. I went to websites and took notes in my notebook. I read many books and took notes on them. This took me two weeks to do this research. I researched during school a lot. We used our Chromebooks for the websites. Sometimes for homework we had to do research at our house. Later I was ready to start planning.

I started making my book on google slides. This took about a week and a half. I took my most important research and I put it in my slides. Mostly each slide was a chapter and a lot of writing. I added some pictures, links, captions too.

After I was done making my book I had a great experience. I learned a lot about Colonial homes after researching. I was also happy I chose my subject. I also learned a lot about Colonial America life in total. We spent a lot of times making our books and I was really happy when I finished mine. I was really happy that I learned so much!


Don’t forget to read my Colonial Homes Book!

El Restaurante Reflexion

¿Qué nuevo vocabulario aprendiste?

1.Tacos de pescado

2.Pan con tomate

3.calamares frito

4.tacos de championes

5.pollo a la brasa



¿Qué nuevas preguntas aprendiste?

1.Cual es tu comida favorita

2.que quirer pedir

3.que quirer tomar

4.como esta la comida


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