Music video

For technology we did a music video. This music video is where we picked the background and we picked an avatar and moved around till he created a music video and you add some music to the back of The music video. During this process it was very difficult to get the object moving to make it look like it was in a music video, it was also very hard to add sound to it to get the right movement of sound.

Fantasy #2

For the analytical paragraph I don’t feel that comfortable with the way we have to write it, so I won’t say I am comfortable. What I find a bit challenging is that how have to take notes and write all of this just for a book. Also how I learn different and it’s harder for me to explain what happens in a book and take apart information.


Recently  we started our fantasy unit. I don’t really enjoy fantasy but it’s OK.   I don’t love it because you can’t really relate to it and sometimes you can’t really learn a story from it. Sometimes the book could get boring because they repeat the same thing .  The books I’m reading is the BFG, flutter, the sea of monsters, and a pie in the sky.  My favorite fantasy book is the BFG because you learn that just because you’re different doesn’t mean you don’t feel things.