Capstone #6

Today I am working on my final project and I am really happy that I came all this way. I also just finished my script,

but if you really think about  it wasn’t that hard doing it. But my script wasn’t that perfect after I finish my version I have at least five or six of them witches okay because  I’m still learning as I go on, although I got all my research my script and my slideshow done doesn’t mean I’m completely done I still have to memorize three pages worth of good writing which trust me can be tricky at times, for my strategy is I printed out my script and I  glued each small part of my script and put it on one index card and I started to memorize,so far it’s been going great.


I also just did two shares for my class and the reviews I got back from them and my teacher have been great. I can’t wait to do my presentation.  

Capstone #5

Recently I just accomplished all my research for Capstone. I also answered my inquiry question.For example I never knew that the part of the brain we dream in is the cortex.unnerving and learned about the body is that a fear of nightmares  that can affect Your body and your behavior during the day. It can make you more grumpy or more scared of some things during this process I learned lots and lots and lots. Most of all that I learned that was important was that we have an arousal system And everything is shut up and I bring when we fall into REM and we have a chemical that turns on that is called acetylcholine. I can’t wait to do more and move forward for this process I’m finishing up my presentation and present in front of parents and my school.

Capstone #3

For Capstone I have to have an interview. My interview Could be with anyone. So I started looking looking and I had no luck but then my teacher aide Miss Clemente  found a famous guy named Frank heynick he’s professor and he worked at UCIA. Then I got his email and phone number and I start brainstorming what to write to him. I finally came  up with what I’m going to send him over email. So then I send my email to my computer teacher who have to white list it so I can send it. But then Mr Casal came down to me and I so maybe you should ask your mom to send him one first because some people don’t want a random 11 or 10 year-old just emailing him. After that she tried to email this and it got sent back so  then my computer teacher sent us another email that maybe could work too but both of the emails didn’t send through.

Then we went to the UCLA sight and he retired so we couldn’t get a hold of him sadly.


later on I start looking and looking Ms Boyer stumbled upon a sleep foundation  which had a number an email so then we try to send an email on my LRC teachers computer It went through and  then we try to call them and it said you couldn’t reach number so we’re like that’s a little weird. then Ms Hicks remembered she had a friend who had a friend who was a neurologist. So then we sent Ms hicks best friend an email. Today I just found out that Ms hicks friends friend is going to let me interview her. The way we are communicating is by email so I’m going to send her a few emails  with my questions in them because she’s very busy she works at Yale. I just heard back from her apparently she is a neuroscientist a neuroscientist is a “is a scientist who has specialized knowledge in the field of neuroscience, the branch of biology that deals with the physiology, biochemistry, anatomy and molecular biology of neurons and neural circuits and especially their association with behavior and learning.” One of the facts that she could answer was what part of the brain does most of the work when we dream?  She said “THE CORTEX” I am really excited to do more!


Capstone #2

From my last blog post I talked about how picking my topic and this past week I have been picking my inquiry question and I am choosing my sub questions. So far I thought my inquiry question will be why do we dream but then my teacher made a note to me “ I love your interest in dreams however a  why question is too vague and not easily researched let’s rethink this” so I thought with Ms Boyer and then she step outside the hall with Ms Robert and came back in and said I have any inquiry question for you,  so my inquiry question is what happens to our bodies and brains when we dream? So then I had to think of my sub question And I look back from my previous ones I thought it was going to use and took some that really made my inquiry question come alive. Some are how is a daydream different than a night dream, what are bad dreams caused of, what do dreams mean, where does dreams images come from? I also got some research websites to use and I’m really pumped to start my Capstone researching!

Capstone #1

Recently Ms Boyer introduce Capstone to us. Recently  we had to pick our topics! I picked dreams. The reason why I picked dreams is because I was always wondering why my dreams were so crazy and I knew the people that were in them. So I was having a little bit trouble thinking about my topics and then that night when I went to bed I had a dream about Capstone and picking my topic and then I thought why don’t I just do dreams so that’s how my idea sparked and I also like studying about sleeping. I’m really excited to start Capstone and get a lot of work done because I think this will be a great topic and I feel confident in it.