liberty bell work

It started on a cold day, Ms Boyer said that we had to start our constitution project. I got the liberty bell!  The way that I am going to present my work is by designing something. Design something means that you can build a model and  things like that.  My idea for this project is to be a news reporter the liberty bell. So far my work has been going great. I have been working really hard. Sometimes I feel unsuccessful but my friends bring my confidence up.

Colonial America book Reflection

The process of making my Colonial America book was not easy. The first  thing you had to do is research about the topic you got. For example, I did daily life of a colonial woman. I had to research that but your first chapter had to be about colonial life. Then you had to organize the research that you got so you can write it out on the a note pad. After you wrote it out you type it in google slides. For chapter two you have to write about your topic that you got and have three main things you had to write about. I did chores, clothes and free time . For your chapter three you can choose if you want to do a letter or journal entry, I did a letter. You can do it to anyone in colonial times. For your fourth chapter you do an essay. In the beginning you  should have picked a question for you topic, that’s what you write your essay about. After you do that you have to copy and past it into sides and get pictures.The most challenging part for me was doing the research because I had to make sure that I had enough that I can write a book on and make sure it made sense.  My favorite part of making my Colonial America book was putting the research together. It was my favorite because I can see all the work I did and it was fun to see it as a book. During this process I learned that I can do better in writing and reading and research. if I had to do the project again I would choose a different topic because I can learn new things that I didn’t know.

Curiosity Project – Dolphins

In 4th grade you will be doing a lot of project and one of my favorite is the curiosity project  and I will tell what it is . First you have to pick  a topic that you now and you want to learn more about. Then you have an option if you want to do a google slide or a poster will I did a google slide.  then when you get all of you information on your topic and write you can do so many slide and add a video if your teacher lets you.


If  you want you can look at my Curiosity project.