This was my favorite stage. First the hardware, laches and hinges were fun to put in. It really put the box together. Then i felted witch made the inside look like a professional job. It also feels am...Read More
I measured out all of my 6 pieces and cut them with the rip saw and the box saw. With all of my pieces cut it looked like this… Then i sanded them to perfection and now i am gluing. I hav...Read More
At first we all made a model for our box. Mine was this… it was an 8×5 box. I wanted a big box besucase I needed something to hold valuables in my room. From this outline i proceeded to ...Read More
Like last year there in no running or horse play in tech. Unlike last year we are using safety buddies. All the drilling and soldering will be easy to remember because i have already used them. The sa...Read More
I have had so much fun working with all the tools and making all different types off things. I would have never been able to do the things i did it tech. My favorite part was soldering becuase i could...Read More
this is my finished automata I can’t wait for what to do next....Read More
I thought i finished my work, but then i realized i put hot glue in the wrong place. It made it so you couldn’t move my wheel. Then I had to unglue but still it had more flaws. There was still some ...Read More
When we had to think of ideas for our automata I thought “what do I like” I love Harry Potter so I thought it would be fun to make harry casting a spell. At first I wanted to make Harry on one sid...Read More
I thought “this will be an easy task”but it was not what i expected. We had to measure and draw it all perfectly. It was hard work but it was helpful in the end. Mine was shaped like a gun so the ...Read More
I get basic circuits but the breadboard was more complicated. I did not really get why it had to be so complicated. I messed around with them and made this: now that i understand it it h...Read More