Sanding my sides

After i finished cutting all my wooden pieces I realized some of them were uneven and different sizes. So I had to start sanding. Sanding is useful because it can

Wooden box post #1

  Making a cardboard box helped me visualize how my box will look like I think that using the box saw for the first time was the most challenging because

Box Plans

These are my plans for the wooden box we are going to make soon.


A couple weeks ago we finished making our cardboard switches. We were supposed to make 3, which I did. I made standard one, a switch which dangles, and the best


a couple of weeks ago we started the flashlight project in tech class. It was fun to learn how to make a flashlight. We used soldering machines to solder the

Old Town Road

Yesterday Mr. Calvert played Old Town Road during class. It was epic! Basically what happened is that Me and my friends started a petition for him to play Old Town

Self-Driving cars

yesterday we learned about self-driving cars. We learned that the car companies like Tesla and Toyota’s self driving cars are semi-autonomous, and the cars the we learned about are fully