Preparing for Immigrant Interview

In class we have to interview an immigrant, because we are doing an immigration unit. To set up there were 3 steps 1. Find the person that you are interviewing 2. Creating good questions 3. Doing the pre-interview.


Step 1 choosing the person. This was pretty easy because I only have 2 immigrant grandparents and they are both from Brazil (they are married) but in the end I chose my grandpa because he was the one who made the choice to Immigrate here.

Step 2 creating good questions. This was fun because I worked with my friends and they helped me and I helped them. We also got a sheet from our teachers giving us good questions, for example why did you emigrate from your country? Or, what were some things that your kids liked to do when they got here? Etc. Here are some of my questions:

Step 3 The pre-interview. I have not done it yet, Ha Ha Ha. But when I do do it I will post.


One comment

  1. hkhang26 · April 4, 2019 at 1:11 pm ·

    I liked your questions, I thought they were really detailed. I also liked how your paragraphs were in the form of the steps.