May 29

Capstone #4: Site Visit

Hello and welcome to Rocio’s Story. Today we’re going to talk about my capstone site visit.

For my site visit I went to the Bushwick graffiti neighborhood. I went to my site visit on 5/26/19. I was very excited for my site visit, but also I kinda didn’t want to go because it was an hour away (in the city). When I got to the Bushwick neighborhood, my dad and I couldn’t find the graffiti. A person that was there asked if we needed help, so my dad asked him where all the graffiti was.

When we finally found the graffiti I liked some a lot and thought they were done very well. I honestly didn’t understand how graffiti artist could have made that. One that I liked a lot were like purple pumas. Here’s a picture.


I liked this one a lot because I thought it was really good and precise. One thing I was wondering is how could the graffiti artist do this so quickly, but so precise. I noticed that the graffiti artist had to work around the window, but still made it look realistic.

Another graffiti piece I really liked was like green with blue circles. It’s hard to explain. Here’s a picture.


I liked this one a lot because it was abstract. You don’t usually see abstract graffiti, which made in unique. I also liked this one because of the design. I thought the design was very interesting and very cool.

My site visit added to my learning by letting me see graffiti in person. It also added to my learning by showing me examples of things I was reading in articles, like styles of graffiti and tags. My site visit helped me kinda answer my sub question: What are the pros and Cons of graffiti. It helped me answer it cause I got to see the good and bad graffiti.


May 24

Capstone #3: Interview

Hello and welcome to Rocio’s Story. Today we’re going to talk about my capstone interview.

I interviewed Mr. Pierro. He does Murals and does graffiti at places. I interviewed him over the phone. I was nervous and anxious about my interview. I don’t really know why I was so nervous but I was also very excited. I knew I would learn a lot and it would help me a lot.

During the interview Mr Pierro kept repeating two thing, many different ways, he kept repeating that graffiti is art and that it has made a very big impact in his life. One of my questions was, How do you choose a tag? He told me that some peoples tags are given to them by their friends. Other people choose their tag themselves. He said that they usually the tags develop by themselves. One of my other questions was, Do you consider graffiti art? Why or why not? He said that he said that graffiti should definitely be art. It has every element that other art has.

The interview added to my learning about graffiti by helping me answer my questions, in a opinionated way. It also gave me a point of view from an expert. Overall the interview helped my learning and it gave me lots of information and taught me things that I didn’t even know/realize.

May 10

Capstone #2- Choosing a Main Inquiry Question and Sub Questions

Hello and Welcome back to Rocio’s Story. Today we’re going to talk about how I chose my main inquiry question and sub questions, for Capstone.

When I chose graffiti as my topic, I knew I wanted to study something on if graffiti is art? Is it considered art? Why or why not?,. The process of choosing my main inquiry question was hard. It was hard because I didn’t know what to write. I watched some videos that helped me get my mind going. My top 3 sub questions were Explain is graffiti is really considered art?, Explain laws for graffiti? and How has the style of graffiti changed over time?. John looked at my questions and we re-wrote my questions, to make them better. My final question was: Is Graffiti considered a form of art? Why or Why not?

To write my sub questions I also watched some videos to help me get my mind going. The sub questions were harder than the main inquiry question, to write. I think it was hard to write the sub questions for me because they had to help you answer your main inquiry question. For 1 of my sub questions I knew I wanted to do, how is art defined? My sub questions are, How is art defined?, Why do graffiti artist paint graffiti?, If graffiti is considered vandalism, can it still be considered art?, How do laws affect what people think of graffiti? and What are the pros and cons of graffiti?.

May 7

Capstone #1- Choosing A Topic

Hello and Welcome back to Rocio’s Story. Today we’re going to talk about choosing a topic for Capstone.

The time of year has finally come, CAPSTONE!! I’m very excited for this project and i’m very excited to see how it turns out.

In class we had to fill out an inquiry questionnaire. This was made for us to start narrowing down our ideas. To be honest with you it didn’t help. I already knew what I was interested in doing. I was interested in doing either Photography or Graffiti. I was interested in doing graffiti because it was a recent interest I had. I just like how graffiti looks so I wanted to learn more about it. I was interested in doing Photography because I love taking pictures and I just thought I would be very interested in the topic.

While I was choosing my topic I felt very stressed because

  1. You need a site visit and an interview
  2. I didn’t want anyone to have the same topic as me
  3. I was worried that I wouldn’t find enough information
  4. I would get bored of my topic

My final topic was Graffiti. I’m very excited that I chose this topic.