June 13

Capstone #6: Working on My Final Product

Hello and welcome back to Rocio’s Story. Today we’re going to talk about working on my final product, for capstone.

For my final product I decided to do a ted talk. I decided to do this because I thought it would work best, because i’m trying to prove a point and because it was my favorite one out of the 3 choices. First I wrote my script. Writing m script was hard for me because I had to be able to answer all of my questions, without saying this is my SQ or this is my MIQ. I also struggled with transitioning from each question to another question. In my script I said one of my SQ and then answered it. For example this is is me answering one of my SQ, in my script, “Why do graffiti artist paint graffiti? The main reason they paint graffiti is to share their voices. Graffiti artists need somewhere to let out their feelings, just like every artist. Graffiti artists also show their personality through their tag. A tag is a graffiti artist’s signature, it is personalized for the graffiti artist. A tag is used to help a graffiti artist stay anonymous and it is used as a signature. In all, graffiti artists show who they are through their art.” I did this for all of SQ, but for my MIQ I kept the idea of it throughout my whole presentation. After my script was done I had to show it to Mrs Robert. She changed somethings. Then I printed it.

After my script was printed I had to start making my slides and memorizing my script. First I made my slides because it would help me memorize because the pictures would tell me what I was talking about, on that slide. Memorizing my script wasn’t hard for me. I worked on my script for so long that most of the parts I kinda knew. For the parts I didn’t I read it 3 times out loud and then I tried to say it without my script. that’s how I memorized most of my script. After I had most of my script memorized and my slides done I started preforming in front of some people. I preformed in front of a lot of my friends and Gabi.

I think i’m in good shape for capstone and that i will do very well on my presentation.

June 5

Capstone #5: Answering My Main Inquiry Question

Hello and Welcome to Rocio’s Story. Today we’re going to talk about Answering my main inquiry question.

Answering my main inquiry question was very easy because It was the biggest argument, in the graffiti world. All of the articles had a title related to this argument, my main inquiry question. I googled graffiti and all of the articles had a article, that had a title related to this topic. For example there was an article from Michigan state University called Graffiti:Art or eyesore, which basically means graffiti good or bad. This article was a prospective article. It had both sides included. This was a very helpful article and I got a lot of information from it. I also checked out a book from the library called graffiti. It was by Alix Wood. There were 2 pages about if it was art or not. It was helpful because there was also a chart.

The challenging part about answering my main inquiry question was that most of the articles I read were in prospective. This confused me because I didn’t know what information to use. To help me figure this out, I guided my research in a way by my opinion. For example if it was an argument article, I would look on both sides of the argument, but stick more to my side.

Also, to help me answer my main inquiry question I had 5 sub questions. Those sub questions were: How is art defined?, Why do graffiti artist paint graffiti?, If graffiti is vandalism can it still be considered art?, How do laws affect what people think of graffiti and what are the pros and cons of graffiti?. In conclusion answering my main inquiry question was mostly easy, but it was a little hard. The sub question that mostly helped answer my main inquiry question was: If graffiti is vandalism, can it still be considered art? This sub question helped because it helped me figure out if graffiti was art or not. The answer that I came to for that question was that it can be both because graffiti has everything other forms of art have, even though its illegal.

June 3

Messy Science: Sugar and Liquid Experiment

Hello and Welcome back to Rocio’s Story. Today we’re going to talk about Messy Science. First of all it’s exactly what the name says it is, MESSY.

Today in Messy science we had 3 experiments. Each experiment had colored sugar and 1 liquid. The liquids were water, oil and vinegar. For each experiment we had 25 ml of liquid and 1 teaspoon of colored sugar. Before each experiment we had to make a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated guess of what it going to happen.

The first experiment my group conducted was where we combined oil and colored sugar. My groups hypothesis for this experiment was “If we mix oil and sugar then all of the sugar will rise to the top, because the oil is dense and the sugar isn’t.” When we combined both of the things, My group observed lots of things. The things we observed were that the oil made the sugar stick together in a clump, at the bottom. Therefore our Hypothesis was denied.

For the second experiment my group conducted, we combined vinegar and colored sugar. Our Hypothesis for this was that “If we mix vinegar and sugar then the sugar will go to the bottom and make the vinegar very red. This will happen because the vinegar will make the sugar wet and it will clump, It will get red because it’s clear and the sugar has food coloring. After we combined both of the things, My group had lots of observations. Our observations were that the vinegar kinda sucked the food coloring out of the sugar, because the sugar became a lighter red. Another observation was that most of the sugar got in a clump. Therefore our Hypothesis was confirmed.

For the third experiment my group conducted, we mixed water and colored sugar. Our Hypothesis for this was “If we mix sugar and water then the water will be red because the water is clear, and the sugar has food dye.” After the experiment we had lots of observations. Our observations were that the water has turned red because the sugar has food dye. When you mix it you can feel the sugar. Therefore our Hypothesis was confirmed.