Rocketry Blog post #3

In rocketry we designed and built and designed our second rocket. We were only aloud to make one change for our second rocket but that was fine with our group because we where very happy with our first rocket. But we had to choose something and that was a bit of a struggle because we loved our rocket and didn’t want to change any bit of it but we had to. So we ended up choosing to make the nose cone thinner and lighter so that mabye it would make our rocket go higher. My group tried to make the rocket identicle to our last rocket because we loved our last rocket.

My group did face some struggles with trying to choose what to change for our second rocket and what jobs we should have and things like that but we all figured it out at the end. I was the pumper and one person was the other pumper and the rest of the jobs where given to the other people in my group.

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