We Are Floating

Look at your feet. Are they actually touching the ground? Is your butt even touching the chair you are sitting on? Well the correct answer is NO. And if you said “yes duh” then you are sadly mistaken. (And no, i am not crazy.)

Well why, if we are standing, are our feet not touching the ground? The cause of this magic is called Atoms. Yes you read that correct. Atoms don’t like touching each  other. They are very picky about not touching other Atoms so instead of touching them, they float right above them so there is a adom sized gap between your feet and the floor when you are “standing.” That also means you never really touch any thing. You might still be thinking that i am crazy, i mean we pick up things. How do we do that without touching. Well the force of the atoms does something and vwala  you are “holding” the thing you “picked up”


This also means that Matilda (from the book Matilda by Roal Dahl) dose not have magic powers she just has magic atoms in her eyes that are really strong and are triggered by anger and do what ever she tells them to do.

Dose this also mean when you touch another human or your self that you are not actually touching them? Yes. Dose that also mean that you are not picking up there germs or do germs even have atoms or do the atoms in us that make us feel the other person, pick up germs?!?!!???!!!!!!!!?! I DO NOT KNOW!

I have a billion other questions that i am not going to mention but the next time you are walking or siting or picking something up think about how YOU are not even touching those thing and how, ATOMS are helping you with that. And think about how amazing and fascinating that is.

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