Blog 12

There is a lot of explosions with lithium. Because its hard to recharge and lithium is really light that’s why people use lithium. But there is a lithium ion battery with is sadder but there is still a lot of explosions from it.

Blog 10

I think this was a great technology year. My least favorite project this year was the like bar to gold stuff. My favorite project was catple it was fun you could flick it around it was cool. In technology I didnt like that we didnt do any projects in school. But technology was fun.


We built cranks. Cranks are made from many gears and a lever that makes the gears move I think it is cool. Many toys are made from gears and levers that make them move. I think its really cool it is hard to make.

6th blog

This week we are learning about the six simple mashines. They are Lever,wheel,pulley,inclined plane,wedge and screw. We are doing mostly lever they have 3 stages FLE. F means fulcrum L means load and E mean Effort. Those are the lever parts.

4th blog

2 weeks ago we had to make an electroscope. We had to cut a card board circle and it it on a cup and cut a slit throw it. And we put a paper clip with tin foil and we put a ballon close to the paper clip and the tin foil moved.