You probably have seen lots of movies, but you might have never thought about how they are made. Well I can tell you. With every movie there is a director, producer and hundreds of other members. So, the producer is the person who chooses what to make the movie about, and funds the movie. They are in charge of everything that happens in the making of the movie. The director is in charge of anything the audience is going to see. They choose what the audience will see on screen. First, the producer has to hire everyone who will help in the production. Those include, actors, writers, animators (if the movie is animated) and more! Then the writers have to write the script. Music writers also have to write the music (if there is any). They will later bring the actors in and film them. If the movie is animated, the actors just need to have their voice recording, but if it is not animated they have to act too. The animators, (if it is animated) need to then animate the characters. About once a month, lots of directors from other productions are brought in and shown the current product of the movie. They will give feedback, and the movie will be worked in and showed to them again soon after. Finally, when this process is over and the directors say it is perfect, it is released.