Final Wonder Reflections

This is the last in a series of reflections on the book “Wonder”

I learned from finishing the book “Wonder” that it doesn’t matter what someone (a lot) of people think about you. If they don’t like that you are you, then they are the ones that are (very) wrong. I think that the precept “When Given The Choice Between Being Right And Being Kind… Choose Kind,” I think this means that if you have a choice to be right about one thing or to be a kind person, not just do one kind thing, choose kind. But, the part that is kind of confusing is that, if you choose kind, you are right, so the kind option is right! So, the other option isn’t important to the precept at all. Because, if you pick the other one, you are the different one.

Read Aloud Reflection – Wonder – 3

This is the 3rd in a series of posts about the book Wonder.

August is done with his first day of school. Now, it is halloween! August is very excited.

Why is halloween a positive thing for August?

I think halloween is a very positive thing because no one will see his face. Well, they might. But, they’ll think it’s just a costume.

Read Aloud Reflection – Wonder – 2

This Read Aloud Reflection is the 2nd in a Series of Posts

August has went to homeroom, english, and Lunch so far. In english class August learned what a precept is. A precept is a rule about a really important thing. Here is an example of a precept that I wrote “NEVER GIVE UP!” 

In lunch, August was sitting alone, everybody was whispering about him. But then, a girl named Summer came over to the empty table. I feel good about her. She seems really nice and a little bit observant. She noticed the similarities in Summer and August’s name!

Read Aloud Reflection – Wonder – Week 1

This Read Aloud Reflection is the 1st in a series of post about the book Wonder

I feel good about what we read because I think August did really well at school. So far, he only went to one class, but he still did well. Julian is still being mean to August, but teachers don’t know it. He went to Homeroom.

I predict that Julian will keep being mean to August throughout the story