Rocket Launch #2 Reflection

We did it! We launched our rocket for the second time. I mean, it wasn’t an improvement, but we did it! The first launch was a success, the rocket went about 16.5 meters into the air. On the other hand, the second launch wasn’t as impressive. The rocket only went 5.5 meters into the air. This was a big disappointment to my group. We remade the nose cone so that it was pointier. We don’t know if this worked because the day of second launch, it was really windy and cold. On the day of the first launch, the sun was shining, it was warm and there was no wind. We wanted the rocket to go much higher. We expected it too go up to 20.5 meters. We were really wrong, but even though the rocket’s height didn’t reach our expectations, we still had a good time rebuilding, launching, and I can’t speak for my group, but I loved the rocketry experience.

This is a video I made reflecting on both launches

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