March 23

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Behold…. It’s the fabulous Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! If you don’t have this game, you’re missing out. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a great video game that can be played on only on Nintendo game systems. When you first get in, you wake up in the Shrine of Resurrection. You have been sleeping for one hundred years, and you have lost your memory. A girl is speaking to you. This girl is Princess Zelda, the girl you have to save in order to beat the game. But to save her, you have to get past Calamity Ganon, a ferocious monster who controls everything in Hyrule, the kingdom which he has conquered. Princess Zelda gives you a Sheika Slate, a mysterious item that will guide you on your journey. Once you get out of the shrine, you meet an old man who gives you a Woodcutter’s Ax. Then you travel around until you find a tower. Once you activate this, four shrines will start glowing.The old man at the top of the tower will tell you travel to these shrines and complete the four extremely dangerous tasks within. Once you have completed four shrine quests, the old man gives you a paraglider and reveals his true form. He turns out to be the spirit of the king of Hyrule. After your private meeting with him, you can glide down to a much more populated area, and you will find a village. You will go to the biggest building there, and a old woman named Impa (THE OLD MAN’S WIFE?!) will tell you to free four Divine Beasts, monsters that will make Gaurdians (robots that guard Hyrule) look like bathtub toys. You will travel to the Divine Beasts and free them (I have no clue HOW). I will tell you no further, because I have not played to higher levels. The adventure is up to you now. Good luck!