Immigration Filming

Today in class, we were filming for our immigration project. Our teacher said that it was more of a testing day and that it was ok if we didn’t get any filming done. So, my group was trying to find a good angle with the camera. We tried it up close, which didn’t work because then you could see even, the slightest smear on the characters. Then we tried far away. The problem with that is, that when we have the camera far away we have a broader view. So with that broader view, we could see the background behind it, (as in the lockers). So we decided we could put paper on the sides. We didn’t want green paper because, with a green screen the picture we have as a background would also spread to the sides. Eventually, we decided to put back paper o the sides. The reason being, that we didn’t want a color that would pop out and black, being so dark, is a perfect color because it wouldn’t pop out at all because, most of our pictures and backgrounds are black and white.

Once we figured that out I had to find out how to use the green screen. I figured out how just fine. But, it wouldn’t work. I tried making a folder of images on the desktop and once I tried to insert it into the app, it wouldn’t show up. So, as you do (hopefully) I asked for help. A kid in my class helped me and taught me how to insert the picture for the background and now, we are pretty much all set for filming. I do hope that we will be able to finish on time!

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