Building Our Rocket

My team’s name is the Rocketeers we all settled on that after wanting to be the Four Rocketeers, but that’s too cringy. We had to make our inspiration board with quotes, images, diagrams and more. We had some argument but otherwise we were great. We chose the image, printed it, cut it and then glued it. After we finished, we started designing our rocket. We designed it then redesigned it because of Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. Newton’s three laws of motion are Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it. Force equals mass times acceleration [ ]. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

 Building our rocket was fun we made our fins fat and short. We spent a lot of time on our nose cone because we kept messing it up and destroying it. We all had a chance to hot glue the fins to the body. Oh and the body was so cool. We made it in such a different way than I thought. We put the PVC pipe on the table and rolled paper around it then taped itBut when our rocket was done, it was amazing.

Rocket #1 berfore and Afterlaunch


We made our nose cone small and pointy because we think it can cut through the air. All of the body’s of everyone’s were the same.  For our second rocket will will do a lot of work on the fins. We think we are going to make it five inches tall and 2 inches wide because are fins were too big and slowed the rocket down and didn’t cut enough air because our fins were three inches long and three wide. The launch was fun, except for the fact that I had to be the pumper which kida sucked but it’s fine. Our rocket went 119 feet in the air and as I watched it go up my eyes got watery because it was so high. My group and I were happy about our results.

Finishing Building

June 22, 1774


I am very happy. Why, well, my colony shan’t build any more because we have finished building and have gotten everything ready for living. I have not helped build, I just prepared dinner and gathered all the food while hunting. Whilst everybody, almost everybody helped build, I went into the wild and found some deer and pigs. It was a very nice dinner and we all celebrated all our work that we put in. Everyone was thanking me for dinner. I had never had so much attention, “Thanks Luke”, “Nice Work bud”…

I had never felt better about hunting. Everybody made me feel so good. I asked Emma if it was okay to have a speech with John and talk about how we were so exited and how we felt… 

Plant Post #1

For my group plant experiment we put seltzer instead of water.

On our manipulated variable there were four quads with four wicks seven plants with five leaves on each plant. For our controlled variable there are four quads with four wicks and four plants with five leaves on each plant.

Our group of three worked well. We all agreed on thing and were friendly.

But, if we feed the plant seltzer then the plant will die because carbonation has gas and gas kills plants.  




Colonial America – pt 2 – Persona

          My name is Luke Stone. I am 20 years old and I am a Hunter and Soldier for the Colony that I am a part of, named New Foursten. Let’s rewind. I was born as an only child. One year after I was born my mother died and I only got to be on this earth with her for a short time. My dad and I later on started to really bond together and I loved him so much. I did so with my mom as well it’s just I couldn’t show my love for her, to her. I loved to play soccer with my dad and hunt. We did not have much money so we had to hunt for our food. But my life was getting very repetitive so I decided I wanted to do something new, but there was nothing I could do that was new or different. When I turned 20 I found out there was a ship that was boarding. It was leaving to find new land. I immediately decided to go. I met some new people on the ship. I met a blacksmith who I never got the name of, a doctor named Dana, a little girl and her father who was a Cartographer and was also a farmer, a Trader who made trades, and a Governor and her daughter. We all became friends and created a colony. We decided to name it New Foursten. But we also agreed that since I had developed such great skills using weapons, I also became a soldier. 

          I started to write in a diary: My name is Luke Stone. I am 20 years old and I am a Hunter and Soldier for the Colony that I am a part of, named New Foursten. Let’s rewind. I was born as an only child…

The Worst Trip Ever!

In Stowe, Vermont Topnotch resort we had just been on a bike ride and now coming in to the pool and hottub. My mom was at the spa and my dad was with me and my brother. I had just hopped in when we started to throw a football. Then we saw a little boy carrying a cup of cold water. He dumped it on all of us. Then I got out to go to the sauna when I saw him with a cup of scalding hot water, I said “Don’t play with that it’s hot and dangerous.”

Then as I walked into the sauna I felt something hit my back. “AAAAAHHHHHHHH, dad it burns it burn a lot.” And as I got burned I was turning around to go to the lobby when I saw the same kid that I told not use that hot water. The cup was tilted, it was empty, and my whole back had been burned.

We were  in the lobby when a women said “You should call an ambulance.”

My dad told her that that wasn’t helping but then his mind changed when she to him she was a pediatrician. The ambulance took a few minutes to get there during then I was putting on anti – burn cream witch by the way didn’t make it burn less. The ambulance had arrived and my mom had to come out of the spa, even though she was half way through it. Also I had to go to the hospital witch was kinda fun. I mean that I got burned. I watched TV and had a popsicle.

Final Maglev Train Group #1

YES!! We finished our final maglev train. It can now carry weight. For example We put double the magnets on the track. There is a stronger magnetic force to now carry weights.

The train had no improvements. I think it was a great idea of the group and I to add extra magnets.

It was a great experience learning about the E.D.P and how magnets work. I never knew what a Maglev train was!

And I have a goal for next time I am in a group: AGREE TO ALMOST EVERYTHING!!!!