Current Event

Title Unadopted dog makes history as the first deaf member of Washington K9 unit

Source dogonews

Article date March 5th 2018

News type state


This astonishing dog named ghost appears to be deaf his beautiful honey eyes and his silky milk fur may be cute but don’t fall for ghosts cuteness he can hurt.This amazing dog’s journey began in September 2015 When he was stray but soon after his wild life became a place called swamp haven rescue were ghost was going to be killed.Luckily a guy named Joe Henderson took him in.Joe Henderson works for the prisons and trains dogs how to sniff eagle drugs now you must be wondering why he chose ghost well in the article Joe Henderson claims He chose him because he was deaf why in the world world would he want a deaf dog?The reason why is because there can be yelling in the jail cells with can scare the dog but since he’s deaf he will not here the yelling so he can do his job.To add on to this ghost was the perfect dog for this job he’s aggressive and will not get scared of the prisoners.personal response I chose this article because in my opinion it teaches me that just because you have a disability doesn’t mean can’t do great things.

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Tweet : Amazing things can happen even if you have disability#deaf dog #foxmeadowpride @dogonews       

2 thoughts on “Current Event

  1. Dear Rebecca,
    I like how you explained about Ghost. Ghost seems very cute and amazing. I like how you put your own opinion in.


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