Capstone Blog Post #1

Capstone is a very big project that matters a lot. So, I figured I needed to choose a topic that I will enjoy researching so I could do my best. So then, I started to brainstorm good topics. After a while, I had about four topics. I looked and looked through my list and my eyes landed on Yankee Stadium. I’m like Yes!!! This is perfect. So, I decided to use Yankee Stadium through the ages. The reason I chose Yankee Stadium is because I love the Yankees and I am interested in learning more about the history behind the stadiums. I thought if I enjoy my topic a lot, I can really work hard on the topic and have fun researching it. The challenging part about deciding on a topic was that we could only do one topic and I had a few that I really wanted to do. I figured that I would do my best doing Yankee Stadium. 

Then we had to start working on our main inquiry question. You may be wondering, what is a main inquiry question? A main inquiry question is what we will base our research on. When we got to that point I froze. I thought and thought and thought about my main inquiry question. Finally, I decided on Yankee Stadium through the years. Then, when we got to the sub-questions I realized I didn’t know what I was going to do. I loved my topic and I didn’t want to change it but I felt like it would be really hard to come up with answers. So I thought and thought and thought again and I decided on a topic that would be interesting but not too hard to research about. Comparing the two Yankee Stadiums. The main inquiry question I finally settled on is “What are the reasons behind building a new Yankee Stadium and what changes were made from the original” 

The next step in the process was to come up with five sub-questions. A sub-question is a question which we will research the answers to. The sub questions are questions within the main inquiry question. My sub-questions are:  “Why did they build a new Yankee Stadium?” “How does the size and capacity of the stadiums compare?” “Food served at the old stadium vs food served at the current one?” “ Are the stadiums built with the same material, why? If not, why?” “Does the new stadium have some things transferred from the old stadium?” I was really, really excited to research these answers. 

The next step was to start researching. We had to find websites that were reliable and had true facts. We had to choose at least five resources. They could be a book, website, database. Wikipedia I chose. I chose a baseball book that I have at my house,, Turner construction company (the company that built Yankee Stadium) and I don’t know my last one yet. I went onto the websites and read the book and started writing in facts to answer the sub-questions. 

During the research phase, we also had to decide on a person to interview for your topic. I don’t know mine yet but I have some ideas on who I might interview. I am really excited about the rest of this project and I can’t wait to see where it will take us!!! I have learned about myself as a learner that if I don’t get frustrated my work will become even better.