Seedfolks response 6

I think  Gonzalo was embarrassed by his Tio Juan because he tasted the dirt and he made Gonzalo go through a junkyard. If anyone saw him there in the junkyard, that would be really bad for him! People could make fun of him, ‘Gonzalo, the junkyard boy!’ and, of course, no one likes that! Also, Tio Juan, tasted the dirt. This probably seems disgusting to others who see Gonzalo next to the man tasting the dirt. And since, Cleveland is city, there are no farms there so people are probably not familiar to tasting dirt. They probably think that Gonzalo tastes dirt too! That could be bad to Gonzalo’s reputation, and people could make even more fun of Gonzalo, he doesn’t even speak English well.

Seedfolks response 5

I think Wendell is caring and thinks he can make a difference. I think his is like one of those patriotic people who are so believing and I think Ana turned over a new leaf, she is no longer nosy and is just as caring as Wendell.I think it was good of them to water the plants when they were down. It was like that page you had mistakenly ripped out of a diary, and then you nourished it and attached it carefully back onto the diary. I think Wendell and Ana should’ve told the little girl, who was most likely Kim because she had dark hair and she had bean plants to nourish, that they were nourishing the plants. Also Wendell should’ve talked to Kim, so that they can both work together to make that ugly junkyard lot a nice one where people can play. Wendell also should’ve told Ana and Kim about his new lot where he is planting probably some seeds because he is fingering holes, that is what you do to make holes for seeds and he is getting a shovel, to plant bigger plants probably. Also, Ana is actually not as caring as Wendell because she does not bother to start a new plant, she just works of off Kim’s plants. Maybe Kim, Wendell and Ana should join a planting club to make the old junkyard neat and clean! They should also tell Cleveland town officials since they are editing a part of the town and shouldn’t the mayor know? After all, he is in charge. And other, authorized, gardeners could help them and bulldozers could take away the garbage. That would be much better. And much more effective, this way, how Ana, Wendell and Ana are doing it is much less effective then asking city officials.

Seedfolks response 4

I think Ana is nosy. I acknowledge that she is curious but I think that she should not be curious about other people’s business, that is just wrong. Imagine you were writing in a diary then you leave on your desk at school because you think that no one is nosy enough to look through it. Then a lady finds you writing in you’re diary. This lady goes to check what is in your diary, that is just plain wrong! You should not go looking through someone else’s personal stuff! I guess this makes that black-haired girl foolish that she left those plants mostly uncovered for anyone that was looking. If they weren’t looking they would not find them but if they were those beans were an easy target. Apparently, there are a lot of criminals in Cleveland, so a criminal who was looking could just dig up the plants and no one would know! I also think this dark-haired girl is Kim. She plants lima-beans, in a junkyard, and has dark-hair! Anyway, Kim should’ve taken more caution when planting her plants you never know! Kim was lucky that it was Ana that saw her, a criminal could’ve saw her and those plants lives are done. Still Ana should not have been looking for what Kim was doing. She even realizes this when she thinks “I felt like I read through her secret diary and had ripped out a page without meaning to” At least she puts the plants back. That was good of her. I think both Ana and Kim are at fault here.

Seedfolks response 3

I wonder if Kim is planting her seeds to keep her father’s spirit alive and for her father’s spirit to recognize her as someone so his spirit can be proud of it’s daughter. I think this because Kim had never met her father so she wants to show him his supposed spirit lives on.

Seedfolks response 2

I notice Kim is a very hopeful girl. In the cold, icy weather of Cleveland, Kim hopes that her bean plants will grow, to show her father’s spirit that she can farm. Kim never knew her father but she still wanted to show him she can farm. Kim’s father was a farmer all his life.

Seedfolks response

I notice that Kim is a foolish girl. Of course a photograph will not just move. Of course Kim’s fathers eyes will not move to look at Kim. It is just a photograph. Yet, Kim still wonders if his father’s eyes will turn to look at her. In the book it says “hoped that perhaps his eyes might move. Might notice me”

Hi! I’m Romir!

Hi, I’m Romir, a creative kid who loves to draw! I really like science and math, and I hope to have a lot of fun with this, I hope we can become friends! I also love to write and read, I have read a whole 5-book series in one week! One book a day, it was a challenge but I conquered! I am a Hindu, from north India, I was born In Dallas, Texas Presbyterian hospital. I then lived in Irving, a suburb for 3 years of my life. After that, I finally moved to Princeton New Jersey, I lived there for maybe a half year until I moved to Delhi, India with my grandparents my for another half-year. Once I was 5, I moved to Jersey city and I lived there for 4 whole years, finally I moved here, Scarsdale NY. I was born on July 20th but I was supposed to be born on the 27th. My zodiac/star sign is Leo and Pisces, a cusp of the two. In Irving I attended Coppel Montessori, then in Princeton I attended Princeton Montessori, and in India I went to Banyan Tree school. In Jersey City, I was in Waterfront Montessori. Montessori was my favorite school chain, I went there practically all my life. I also know how to fluently speak English and some Spanish, Hirigana and Hindi. I really hope we can become great friends!

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