Seedfolks response 5

I think Wendell is caring and thinks he can make a difference. I think his is like one of those patriotic people who are so believing and I think Ana turned over a new leaf, she is no longer nosy and is just as caring as Wendell.I think it was good of them to water the plants when they were down. It was like that page you had mistakenly ripped out of a diary, and then you nourished it and attached it carefully back onto the diary. I think Wendell and Ana should’ve told the little girl, who was most likely Kim because she had dark hair and she had bean plants to nourish, that they were nourishing the plants. Also Wendell should’ve talked to Kim, so that they can both work together to make that ugly junkyard lot a nice one where people can play. Wendell also should’ve told Ana and Kim about his new lot where he is planting probably some seeds because he is fingering holes, that is what you do to make holes for seeds and he is getting a shovel, to plant bigger plants probably. Also, Ana is actually not as caring as Wendell because she does not bother to start a new plant, she just works of off Kim’s plants. Maybe Kim, Wendell and Ana should join a planting club to make the old junkyard neat and clean! They should also tell Cleveland town officials since they are editing a part of the town and shouldn’t the mayor know? After all, he is in charge. And other, authorized, gardeners could help them and bulldozers could take away the garbage. That would be much better. And much more effective, this way, how Ana, Wendell and Ana are doing it is much less effective then asking city officials.

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