Seedfolks 10

I think Nora is the most caring of the nurses and doctors. She is the only one who actually cares to bring Mr. Miles outside, what a boring life being inside all the time, don’t the nurses notice that? I think Nora should tell the other nurses about the garden so they can help too. She should tell them where it is so other patients who are being treated can come and relax there too. If Nora had never taken Mr. Miles outside, Mr. Miles would be unhappy and bored and lifeless, maybe even dead, according to the part where it said that the Egyptians took the mad through gardens to treat them. Maybe that ancient technique actually works? They should try all possible ways to treat Mr. Miles, isn’t that what hospitals do? If a sick person is trapped in a room for some time with no fresh air, he will become even more sick because the human body is used to the outside and staying inside is not what the human body is used to. Maybe Nora should suggest taking patients to the garden to plant something to the owner of the hospital. ‘Miracle Hospital! The healing power of gardens!’ Should maybe be their motto if they start taking patients to that garden. I think it was good for Nora to listen to Mr. Miles and actually come back to the garden too. Without Nora taking Mr. Miles back to the garden, Mr Miles will be even more sad because he had one good time after he got sick and he cannot go back. Nora should also maybe tell Mr. Miles’s close people, they can maybe join in too and make that garden cleaner. Also, I wonder why no one else takes Mr. Miles outside, maybe they are just not used to taking people outside because they were told not to? Then why did Nora do it? Maybe they just don’t know everything about health.

  1. I agree with you that Nora is the most caring nurse. I like how you thought about the other nurses and other patients because I didn’t think about that until I read you blog. It gave me a new perspective on the chapter.

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