A precept is a rule about a really important thing. Instead of being a follower do what ever makes you feel happy and be a leader. Right now i’m thinking that August is happy and a little mad he’s happy about school but he’s a little mad at his mom he doesn’t know why its really weird problaly when he got got to middle school he just got really weird.
Wonder Blog Post #3
Why is Halloween such a positive thing for Auggie?
Halloween is a positive thing for thing for auggie because he always wears a mask so people don’t know its him and so that they don’t have see his face auggie said that it even beats Christmas that’s how much he doesn’t like to show his face.
Teatown Reflection
1.Teatown was a awesome place my favorite thing when we went there was when we were standing the at the sand box.
2. I learned that when it rains on the moutains and it comes down like a stream its called tributary also I learned that when…water comes down a stream it all fall to a bigger surface of water.
3. I think we should have added something like fishing so we could right down more stuff of like animals and plants so we would’ve caught like more fish and stuff.
Charlie’s Wish
I thought Charlie’s wish was that her family could get back together but now i’m thinking that it’s that its too stay with her other family because she has a dog and a new friend and kind of a new start but she still misses her other family but I think she just wants to stay with Bertha and Gus for now
Explorer Infographic
Christopher Columbus was a well known explorer to find a new land.
Read Aloud Reflection – Wonder – 1
This Read Aloud Reflection is the 1st in a series of post about the Wonder
I think that Julian is sneaky because August was talking about his favorite star wars character and August said that his favorite was padawan and then Julian said ” are you sure your favorite character isn’t Darth Sidus?” So that is why I think that he is sneaky because the teacher didn’t know what in the the world he was talking about.
Technology is…
Maglev post #2
Today what my group did today that worked was when we took the disk magnets off the train because it was too much and we lined up the strip magnets to the tracks. The strip magnets so it would levitate higher and glide more smoothly.
What we did that failed was when we put one more strip of magnets on each side of the train to make two strip magnets on each side What we learned from our failure that if you don’t line them up it wouldn’t float right so we learned from our mistakes. We took off all our disk magnets and we lined up the train and the tracks to line them up perfectly. And took off all the tape because it wasn’t working.
Maglev post #1
A maglev train is a train that doesn’t use the tracks to move instead it levitates.How because it repels off of magnets. My groups Idea for the train and tracks was to make sure that it levitated and glided with a little touch.
What my group did that worked today was that we got it to levitate and whta we failed today was that the maglev train didn’t glide with a little touch and it only weny half way the first time but on the second try it almost went half way.
My experience with my group was amazing what we thought a little challenging was trying to make it levitate an what worked really well was when we made our track it was awesome.
My Expert Book – Allure of the Seas
I am a published author!I chose this topic because I went on two cruises. My grandparents tell me all about their trips and have been on cruise ships like 50 times ,so I know what’s on the boat. I learned that I should not use the word “I” in nonfiction. I also learned that you have to keep your chapters organized and clean. The most important thing that I learned is that you have to put a picture that matches the words. When I was on the cruise I read maps and books on what’s on the cruise, so this was a really good topic for me.
Please enjoy thank you!