About Me



This project was very fun and I thought that it was a good project to start of with. Since we are in quarantine it is a bit different and it is harder to understand what he wants us to do. Although zooms and email have helped greatly so that mr.Rose can answer any questions that we have about the project. One reason why I like this project is because is so that people can learn some background about me (hence the name). This project was super fun and I hope y enjoy what I made.


reflection on whole project #5

The immigration project was awesome I learned so much about my mom immigrating to the us from Holland.  My favorite part of the project was doing the interview, I especially like this part because the learn the most information such as: why did you immigrate? or did you choose to immigrate somewhere else?  My least favorite part was writing all the notes I do not like this portion at all really, the reason for that is because in my opinion when the person who your interviewing talks very fast then it might struggle you with keeping up.

The thing that I like about spark video is that it is a very flexible website in other words it lets you do lots of things that you may not be able to do on other websites like we video, But on spark you can do things like pick themes, you can even not only do videos but you can also make menus, Instagram posts and much more!

A struggle for me was getting all my blog posts done in time or on the chosen due date but eventually I got all of it done in time.

I would like to thank my teacher and my mom for helping me with this project.








preparing for the spark video #3

For my spark video I will have to prepare, I will need backup ideas just incase one idea does not work out. I will also need an outline of the design, in the out line there will be my photos and quotes I will be putting in my video.  My video is going to be about the experience of my mom when she immigrated.  Spark video is a resource that you put in the design and the website makes the video for you.  I will be inserting the questions and answers of my interview into the spark video.  Also in spark video I will also be inserting photos and videos from Holland.  In the spark video you can insert a post it is a customized advantage of adobe spark, I like this part because you can make the post whatever you want and be as creative with it as you can.  that is not the only thing you can do you can also you can make menus, comic strips and even magazines I am really excited to do my spark video!