Tag Archives: dog

The Cake Disaster

It was the day before my Aunt Dara’s birthday. My Mom and I decided to make a special, homemade cake for her. It was a vanilla cake with vanilla and chocolate frosting . We wrote Dara in M+M’s and we put Oreos all around the cake.


The cake came out beautiful! My Mom need to get ready. My sister (Hannah) and my cousin (Abby) were watching TV upstairs. My dad was at the temple. I decided to leave the kitchen to get ready.

But Then…


We forgot about my dog (Sophie) she jump on the table so-she-did. Sophie ate the bottom half of the Oreos. (Oreos have chocolate in them?)


We were all shocked that Sophie ate the Oreos. We were all wondering if Oreos have chocolate in them??My Mom and I were a little distressed because we worded hard to make a very special cake for are whole family.


Then Hannah and Abby went into the car while Mom and I were putting on new oreos on the cake. We hope Sophie will never eat Oreos again. Thank goodness the cake was still editable!! : )


Life leans if you get a dog then make sure that you always if you make a cake then push the food back.(Sophie is not died.)


: ) THE END : )