Immigration Blog Post #1

Immigration Blog Post #1


When I first found out that I needed to interview an adult Immigrant I thought that I did not know anybody that did immigrated and if I did they might not be alive. So when I got home I asked my mom do we know a adult immigrant I need to interview one for school. At first she did not think of anyone but then she realized our babysitter is a adult immigrant. I thought that it would be really interesting to interview her because I do not know that much about her country her county is Tibet. It would also be really easy to interview her because I can do it almost any day because I see her a lot.  So I thought it was my best choice but one of my only choices.

Coming up with questions for the interview was not that hard for me it was actually pretty easy. This is because whenever I thought of one question it would help me do another question and that question could help me do a follow up question. I think it was also easy to come up with questions because I do not a lot and I can not ask a question that I already know a answer for. So I can do almost any question.

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