Capstone Blog Post #4

Capstone Blog Post #4


For Capstone we also had to do a interview and the interview had to answer ten to fifteen questions that we came up with. To get the interview I had to come up with the email forward it to my dad and then my dad sent the email to somebody that I wanted to interview. It took a long time for him to respond.

But two days later I got a response it was four thirty the next day. The next day I was ready for him I got the interview questions ready and waited by the phone. Then finally it was time for the interview four thirty. He did not call, the four forty the finally at four forty five he sent a email saying can we reschedule for tomorrow. Sure I was upset but I was looking forward to tomorrow.

The next day I was ready and he called on time. I asked him all of my questions and he answered all of them with a lot of information. I learned a lot and it helped me so much it got me ahead because I got so much information. I was so happy.

This interview was a great experience and I had fun and learned a lot interviewing him was a great idea. See you next time on Blog Post #5.