March 24

Tech post #3

Honey comb candles are first made with beeswax that has had all the impurities taken out of it, and bleached. A worker then puts the beeswax into a gas kettle un til melted then 1/10 of an once  of powdered dye tints the beeswax the dye is then stirred into the beeswax so it is distributed evenly. A worker then opens a valve and the wax flows into a large through beneath a large drum. This drum is cooled by a system of chillers and the wax solidifies. A narrow aperture then squeeze’s the solid wax thinner  the layers are rolled onto a shaft. The layers are then put in na bath of warm water and soap. The could of beeswax are then loosened by hand. The wAx layers separate and warm water is immersed on the layers which softens the edges as a fitting machine makes the wax even thinner. The softened wax is firmed up agin by ice. Liquid soap is constantly added during this a calipers ids then used to gage the thickness of the wax, to make sure it’s 0.16 of a centimeter  the roll is then removed form the thinning machine spindle. The wax is then put n another spindle for a machine that pulls the wax through ice water tax is the put thorough embossing rollers to make the design then a bide sides the beeswax into sheets, To make the candles another worker cuts the sheets to the correct length and width the sheets are then rolled by hand with a cotton wick. Then the candles are made.


March 8

Tech post #2

In 1890 Johns Hopkins the chief of surgery at that hospital and for the nurses benefit they asked a rubber company to make protective gloves for them. The rubber companies for a mold use ceramic or aluminum hands as a mold for the gloves first they s clean the residue from the molds and they then scrub the molds with a scrubber the molds are then put in hot water and put on a rail to drip dry they then dip the molds into liquid rubber the molds are then put in a oven brushes then spray the molds with a color on the liquid rubber to make the gloves colorful the rubber is then taken off for natural rubber it can be taken off by a machine since it is much easier to take the natural rubber off the mold but for synthetic gloves they have to be taken off by hand. A worker then inflates and tests the gloves. All rubber gloves have different solutions based in their use. The gloves are then put in boxes, ending the process of making rubber gloves.

February 26

Technology post #1

In class we explored and cut both plywood 2 ply wood a big block of real wood and a thin strip of thick hard to cut wood I noticed the ply wood broke easier in one spot then the other when broken one way it was easy to break and the ending result was two smooth edges of the wood but broken the other way it leaves splintery bits and it is much harder to break. Then we switched to  saws the ply wood  cut easiest and the 2 ply wood was harder to cut because it was a lot thicker then the regular ply wood. I also cut a wood that was the hardiest to cut because it was thickest and caused the saw to get stuck in it a few times.

June 18

Technology blog post #9

This week we learned about batteries. We learned how batteries use the oxidation reduction reaction to create electricity. And that  bigger batteries are bigger than smaller batteries with the same volt because there are more than one battery in it. We also learned hat oxidation reduction reaction happens by electrons being lost by a atom or ion and being gained by ions, or atoms. And with the flow of electron s going from one atom or ion to another there is electricity.

June 18

Technology blog post #8

This week we learned about the periodic system the periodic system consists of elements all organized according to atomic number from left to right. There are also still other elements to be discovered elements  are all either a solid, a liquid, a non-Newtonian fluid, or they are an unknown which is a category mostly for the newest discovered elements. Because they are only there for a second before they disappear. The periodic table was discovered by Dmitri Mendeleev who was teaching a class and then to organize the elements for the class he created the periodic table.

June 18

Technology blog post #7 (project #5)

This week we did a project so we could do an experiment on electrons and protons and neutrons which we learned about this week. I learned that the protons, neutrons, and ele turns, are in something called a nucleus and the protons and neutrons are in the middle of the nucleus, the electrons are on the border of the nucleus. we also learned that a negative charge (electrons) and another negative charge do not like each other. So electrons try to stay as far away from each other as they can. So for this project we used a clear glass, cardboard, tape, tin foil, and a big paper clip. To make this project we cut the cardboard out into a circle the size of the rim of the glass, and cut that circle about halfway. Then we stretched out a paper clip and slid that into the cut circle then we make the end of the paper clip a hook. After that we fold a sheet of tinfoil and cut a raindrop shape out of it and we put the two raindrops on the hook. After that we tape the cardboard circle to the glass. Then we experiment, We take a sweater or felt and take a balloon, or staticky ball and rub it on the sweater, or felt and take the ball, or balloon and rub it on the outside of the glass close to the paper clip and the raindrops are supposed to move.  Here is the project I made

June 4

Technology Blog post #6

This week in Technology we learned about simple machines such as leavers, the wheel an axel, the inclined plane, the wedge, the pulley, and the screw. We also learned that sometimes the gear counts as a simple machine. We also learned about class 1, 2, and 3 simple machines such as a hammer. We learned that the simple machines are classed by the amount of fulcrum, and how much weight the simple machine can hold.

June 4

Technology blog post #4 ( project #3)

This week we had to make something using the website fab maker studios I made a cereal box. In order to make that box I cut the c real box out of the paper It was printed on and I cut all the other parts of the cereal box that I needed to cut out I then taped the cereal box until it looked like a 3-D cereal box.


May 13

Technology blog post #3 (Project #2)

This week the project we are doing is trusses we are doing a triangle one and a cube one with either marshmallows, baby carrots, or gummy worms. I chose to do marshmallows because they were the only thing in my house that I could use. To create my cube truss I used ten toothpicks, and eight marshmallows. To create my triangle truss I used numerous toothpicks and the rest of the marshmallows in the bag.