Snow Day!!!

Sometimes kids just pray for a snow day all year long and they don’t just pray they also do a lot of other things to and I made a poem about them so here you go.

I am looking at the weather and praying on the stars

I’m Flushing Ice cubes down the toilet and hoping it will start

I hope we get a blizzard and a snow day too

And that is why I’m praying now

I want a snow day now snow day now

snow day because we have never ever had one

I want a snow day now snow day now

A snow day right this very second.

The 30 rights

In school we are doing a psa on human rights and that is why I am doing this blog. The human right I think is most important is no slavery because I think it is just wrong to force people to do things they don’t want to do. I also think this one is most important because slavery is still going on but now with everybody. That is why I think this one is most important.


One of my favorite things in the world are dogs. Ever since me and my brother were kids we always wanted a dog. The bad thing was that we could only get a dog that can shed fur because of a allergy to some dogs. One day my mom found a woman with two Shih-tzus a one named tempo and a un named one both of them were puppies and were cute so it was hard to pick. At first we wanted tempo but when our mom met the dogs in person sh changed her mind and god the unnamed one and we named him Chewie and Our relationship is as strong as a metal bar now.


This is my first post!

Hello world this may be my first post but I know what I am doing… I think. Anyway here are some of the things I like and don’t like.

Things me like:



.video games







there is probably only one thing that I don’t like and it is being called Steven. I do not Like this because I haven been called Mathew for my whole life so if you leave a comment(I hope) then please address me as Matthew thank you for reading my first blog and if you have any questions please leave them in the comment section below.