Snow Day!!!

Sometimes kids just pray for a snow day all year long and they don’t just pray they also do a lot of other things to and I made a poem about them so here you go.

I am looking at the weather and praying on the stars

I’m Flushing Ice cubes down the toilet and hoping it will start

I hope we get a blizzard and a snow day too

And that is why I’m praying now

I want a snow day now snow day now

snow day because we have never ever had one

I want a snow day now snow day now

A snow day right this very second.

The 30 rights

In school we are doing a psa on human rights and that is why I am doing this blog. The human right I think is most important is no slavery because I think it is just wrong to force people to do things they don’t want to do. I also think this one is most important because slavery is still going on but now with everybody. That is why I think this one is most important.