Blog 4: Catapults

For this project, we made catapult! I first wanted and tried the more complicated one. Fail. I got too frustrated and went for the other easier catapult, that one at first, the one of the popsicles broke, after replacing that one, it started to work well! I couldn’t think of an original game, so I didn’t make one. After my brother discovered what I made, he tried to catapult my dad, and failed miserably. It was funny though, after he failed, he tried to do it multiple times before I could stop him. I didn’t want to waste more popsicle sticks so, my mom scolded him

Blog 3: Beams

For this project, I was a little confused at first, but I got the hang of it. First mistake, when I watched to explanation video, I thought I was doing good. Then, I saw a mistake, wow it took me a long time to notice that I actually did it right, I actually almost made another beam. It took a while, but I finally made both beams work, finally I recorded my video. For some reason, I was recorded upside down, and my voice sounded TERRIBLE. It was fun, I do hope that we do more of these types of projects.

Blog 2: Metals

We have started to learn all about why some terrible accidents have happened, like the Titanic, it sank because its hull was made using mild steel. I’m still confused though, what metal is flexible? How do you make sure that what you’ve made will work? I hope I can understand all of this, because I’m sure we are going to need this later on for big projects. 

Blog 1: New Quarterly

My new quarterly is tech, I’ve heard that we do a lot of crafting, I am a really artistic person, so I hope I will enjoy this class. I also heard we are going to make robotic like things, and something that requires science. Which I’m very exited for, I’m not sure what we are going exactly, but I just hope I don’t get too stressed about it. Although robotic stuff is already difficult for me to understand anyway.